By Lauren V. Macaraeg #LaurenMacDoodles

I enjoy my own company A LOT. And that’s a good thing. That’s why I now prefer to use the positive term pro-“me time” instead of the negative term “antisocial” to describe myself and other fellow introverts and ambiverts.

I do have fun spending time with other people sometimes – and I’ve also been trying hard for years to be there for family and friends if they need me even during the times I prefer to be alone, for the sake of God and others – which is probably why many people assume that I am an extrovert. However, the truth is, there are a lot of times when I love spending time by myself, whether I have planned for a special self-date such as a trip to the ocean park or a book fair expedition or whether I do something simple like taking a quiet walk or reading a book while sipping coffee, milk tea or hot chocolate.

Quality time with one’s self can be relaxing, recharging and refreshing! Thanks to everyone for understanding that I need to spend even more time with myself these days. I am my own best friend and favorite companion 📚❤☕


#BehindTheScenes #BTS Trivia: Did you know that this is the first time I digitally drew an official #LaurenMacDoodles doodle from scratch? I am actually more used to drawing with a pen and paper first before converting the doodle to a digital file. It’s an enjoyable process, but it’s time-consuming too. I have been practicing doodling digitally, hoping that it will help me doodle faster so I can create more doodles in the future. To be honest, my first practice doodles using a stylus looked as if they were drawn by a toddler. 😂 This drawing is a little better, but I know I still need a lot more practice. For this doodle, I used MediBang Paint for iOS and paint.NET for Windows. Thanks to Tito Lito and Tita Emily sa pamanang iPad mini 2 which makes doodling way easier and more fun! ✏❤📱


#Live4Infinity #LifeProject by #LaurenVMacaraeg #LaurenMacDoodles 🌟 : “I’M NOT ANTISOCIAL, JUST PRO-“ME TIME” #LAURENMACDOODLES” A #MyFavoriteThings #Birthday Series Interlude. Written on 03.12.2018 ❤📚🎂🐈🌟

#Doodles #DoodleArt #BookwormBites #KidsAtHeart #AmazingGrace #LaurenMacScribbles #LaurenMacKulit

Medium: #DigitalDoodle using MediBang Paint for iOS and paint.NET for Windows

#ProjectHEAL: #Humor #Doodles #MyFavoriteThings #Ocean #Animals #Fish #Cats #Dogs #Books #GeekyJoys #Exercise

#ProjectTIME: #MyFavoriteBeings #Family #SelfDate #ADateWithMyself #LaurenAndMamu #MamaUniAndMe #MamaAndMe #PapaBoyAndMe #LDRBonding #PattyThePinkPoodle #CutieTheCat #Cutie #Love #LoveIsSpelledTIME #GodWithUs 🐈❤🐶

#ProjectHELLO: #Openness #Honesty

#MentalHealthAwareness #Healing #Recovery: #BirthdayBlues #Depression #FightBirthdayBlues #Success! #GodIsGood





About the author

Lauren V. Macaraeg

Lauren V. Macaraeg is a children's book author and freelance writer. Check out her official website at www.laurenvmacaraeg.com to learn more about Lauren and her book Sinemadyika.

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